Public Relations & Public Information

Why Public Relations is important to the NA Member

The Narcotics Anonymous message is “that an addict, any addict, can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use and find a new way to live.” Our relations with the public enable us to share this message broadly so that those who might benefit from our program of recovery can find us. We perform public relations service to increase the awareness and credibility of the NA program. We share our message openly with the public at large, with prospective members, and with professionals. Maintaining
an open, attractive attitude in these efforts helps us to create and improve relationships with those outside the fellowship. Establishing and maintaining a commitment to these relationships, can help us to further our primary purpose.

The spiritual principles of our steps, traditions, and concepts guide us in pursuing our public relations aims and our efforts to enhance NA’s public image and reputation. These principles apply to our community and service efforts as well as to the personal behavior and attitude of individual NA members.

What is the individual Member's responsibility?

Public information service happens in a variety of ways. PI and PR committees can evaluate the needs of the  community and decide how best to get our message out. Often PI service includes responding to requests for information or presentations about Narcotics Anonymous. When a request is made, a PI or PR committee should evaluate the resources necessary to fulfill the request and decide how to proceed.

A form of public information so simple that it is often overlooked occurs when we accept responsibility for our behavior in public. When we identify ourselves as NA members, each one of us may be seen as a representative of NA to those not familiar with our program. The way we interact with personnel of the facilities we use for our meetings and functions affects how the public views NA  as a whole.

The above content and image is taken from the PR Basics PDF document.
Copyright © 2010 by Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc. All rights reserved.